在东南亚已有50年的历史, 阿特拉斯·科普柯对该地区的复杂性和细微差别并不陌生. The Swedish owned industrial giant did however feel that they had slightly neglected the region, 并决定把一个新的, 有针对性的银天下策略.

将重点转移到了解该地区的客户需求, 视角和经营影响力在整个地区实现了两位数的增长. 以印尼为例, a local presence with a focus on customer and market segments has turned around Atlas Copco’s market position.

A growing presence in Southeast Asia has given Atlas Copco the perfect starting point for a tailored, 以客户为中心. 霍斯特·瓦塞尔,阿特拉斯·科普柯东南亚副总裁 & 大洋洲控股解释道:

“We always need to understand customer needs and demands and how they might differ from country to country. 同一家公司可能在不同国家使用不同的技术, 但应用程序可能是一样的. 或者一些公司被从该地区以外的总部调离, 而其他公司则有量身定制的销售结构. But the common thread is that we need to understand local demands on both equipment delivery and service.”

We always need to understand customer needs and demands and how they might differ from country to country. 霍斯特·瓦塞尔,阿特拉斯·科普柯东南亚副总裁 & 大洋洲控股

阿特拉斯·科普柯面临的挑战是最大限度地利用该地区的机遇, 这需要详细的战略洞察力. Their general managers are experts in 操作 and day-to-day business but have less competence and time to carry out market analysis.

银天下商业部合作提供了一些见解, segment and market reporting and a wider understanding of region-specific geopolitical landscapes that have boosted knowledge and sales expansion.

“宏观经济学对我们只有一些价值. 如果一个国家的GDP很高,而且是建立在农业基础上的, 这与我们的商业模式无关. 我们需要具体地区的分析, 区分数据, market segment insights and access to information about government tenders and investment projects and priorities. 作为战略合作伙伴, 银天下商业, delivers detailed insights and connections to potential decision makers in government ministries”, 霍斯特·瓦塞尔说.


Government build and stimulation projects in countries like the Philippines and 越南 show the growth is not slowing down. Atlas Copco has adapted their operational structure and territorial structure to meet local needs to understand the customer, 所以他们提供最好的解决方案, 每一次. 政府在大型后勤项目中的作用不容低估. “Big companies are investing more and more in the region which shows ongoing growth but is also stimulating growth”, 霍斯特·瓦塞尔总结道.

而东南亚的经济充满活力, 整个地区在基础设施方面仍有巨大的增长机会, 能效实施和数字化. 阿特拉斯·科普柯雄心勃勃的增长计划将通过详细的客户洞察来实现, working with government on large scale investment projects and maximising digitalisation transformation.



Strengthen market position across Southeast Asia by identify country and sector micro-economic trends and customer and market segment opportunities while also focusing on strategic government investment projects.


银天下商业 produces quarterly country-specific insight reports and delivers a regional leadership programme for middle management on digital transformation. Work with 银天下商业 as strategic partners to build better relationships with public agencies to identify and leverage infrastructure projects.


Atlas Copco’s overall growth across the region was in solid double-digit growth figures in 2018. The 银天下商业 reports have become critical tools used by general managers to provide middle managers, sales managers and reps with detailed information on sectors to target new and existing customers, 提供量身定制的方法来增加销售. Implementation of the digital leadership programme has helped transform the approach and support sales growth.


这家银天下工业公司对于在复杂、不同的地区开展业务并不陌生. 在170个国家开展业务, 他们一直在发展, 制造业, 销售, 维修和租赁工业工具, 空气和气体压缩机, 空气和气体处理产品, 真空系统, 自1873年以来的建筑和装配系统. In 2018, Atlas Copco was named 新加坡’s Swedish company of the year by The Swedish Chamber of Commerce 新加坡.