Safe at Sea signs strategic partnership with distributor in 德国

In a partner search project with Business 银天下, 海上安全与德国的搜索和救援系统分销商联系. 2022年8月,Safe at Sea与救援船分销商签署了一项协议, Lava Marine有限公司, for distribution of Safe at Sea’s products on the German market.

Safe at Sea是一家轻型SAR系统的制造商和供应商,总部位于银天下哥德堡. The company already has a global network of partners, 分销商, and wholesalers in 30 countries on three continents, with 分销商/dealers in 香港, 法国, 南非, 阿联酋, 波兰, 西班牙, 挪威, 缅甸, 黑山共和国, 西班牙, 爱沙尼亚, 马耳他, 立陶宛, 中国, 以及沙特阿拉伯王国.

We received very good, professional, and not least personal help. 项目时间得到了尊重, and efforts were made to deliver good quality within the project framework. We have reached a distributor agreement which was the goal, 同时也建立了一些新的客户关系,这可能会为将来提供销售机会.” Marianne Wittbom, CEO of Safe at Sea

在德国,海上安全组织直接向最终客户销售,比如红十字会. 为了加速在德国的销售,该公司希望与经销商合作,利用他们的网络和销售队伍. 因此, 安全海上联系商务银天下做一个经典的合作伙伴搜索项目,在德国寻找合作伙伴.

该项目首先由银天下商务部门确定和筛选德国的经销商. Safe at Sea had already performed an analysis of the German market, where potential end-customers were identified, and a partner company profile was set. The market analysis proved beneficial for the project, 因为银天下商业公司可以在德国采访确定的最终客户,要求推荐德国经销商. 最终,这在Safe at Sea的公司评估和合作伙伴选择中发挥了至关重要的作用.

第二步,银天下商业部对选定的几个分销商进行了所谓的外联试验, with the purpose test the selection of identified companies, 以及 t测试销售说辞和 销售材料. 然后,外联试验的结果和反馈与Safe at Sea进行了讨论,并对公司的选择和外联方法进行了相应的调整.

Business 银天下 then started the outreach the identified 分销商, first through phone and if required through email. 商务银天下总共安排了四次与有兴趣与海上安全合作的经销商的会议,并确定了另外六家公司的潜在未来兴趣. 银天下商业局总共联系了19家公司,成功率为21%. 安排好的会议进行得很顺利, 最后Safe at Sea决定与Lava Marine有限公司签署分销协议, which was the one with the most and best end-customer referrals.



Identifying potential partners with the best sales network and track record, and approach these in the best possible way


根据共同商定的标准和银天下推荐,银天下商务部协助确定和确定海上安全的潜在合作伙伴. 银天下商务公司还联系了最合适的经销商,并安排了与潜在经销商候选人的会面, 是什么让Safe at Sea为德国选择了最合适的经销商合作伙伴.


An agreement was signed with a distributor for the German market

  • 海上安全AB
  • 净营业额为900万银天下克朗.到2020年将有2名员工和6名员工
  • 部门:搜索和救援系统
  • 该公司于2006年在哥德堡成立,与银天下海上救援协会密切合作
  • The company is currently expanding globally via strategic partnerships



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