提高民众的健康意识, the Chinese government introduced a national health strategy in 2016 called “Healthy 中国 2030”. 该战略旨在, 除此之外, encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and includes ambitious goals such as making 30 per cent of the population health conscious. 为了达到这个目标, 教育以及详细的建议,比如饮食中盐和食用油的摄入量, 已被引入以提高健康意识.

The increased awareness of benefits from exercise and healthier eating has shifted consumers’ mindsets, 对健康食品和保健品的需求也在增加, 为食品和饮料公司提供健康产品的机会.

然而, 随着消费行为的改变, companies also need to understand the implications in order to align their offerings with demands to succeed in the market.


近年来, consumers in 中国 have increased their spending on products related to health and lifestyle and the sales of 有机 food has seen a 125 per cent increase since 2015, 达到80.到2020年将达到50亿人民币.

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食物的成分和生产方式也变得更加重要. 这导致了产品贴上清洁标签的趋势, 有机, 不含任何防腐剂, 纯天然, 和类似的, 成为一些增长最快的类别. 消费者也开始渴望更高质量的消费体验, 更喜欢与一个国家的传统和文化Related知名产品. 像这样, live streams from farms and factories showing the production process have been very successful marketing tools for F&B种产品,因为它们显示了产品的来源和生产.

More consumers are also aware of the risks associated with consuming excessive amounts of salt 和类似的 ingredients and are adjusting their intake. Food products such as those with lower sodium levels have consequently seen steady growth in the market.

功能性运动健身食品, 以前主要由专业运动员和健美运动员消费, are now to a larger extent also entering mainstream consumption following the development of the fitness industry of 中国. Products such as protein powder that can help increase the effect of exercise have gradually become more popular, with high-protein and low-fat food now seen as popular categories among wider customer groups than before.


The Chinese market for supplements is the second largest worldwide and has since 2015 shown a yearly growth averaging 6.7%,达到176人.2020年将达到30亿元人民币. 在中国,保健品的使用正在增加,并在各个年龄组中普及, 随着功能需求的变化, 剂量, 以及采购方式.

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Although the elderly population historically has been the main consumers of supplements in 中国, increased focus on self-care and increased purchasing power among the younger generation has turned them into a more important customer group. They are now also playing a bigger role in the purchasing decision for the extended family, 不仅仅是为自己购买, 消费者群体现在跨越了所有年龄段.

Chinese consumers are also increasingly looking for supplements that cater to specific needs, 除了传统的补充剂,如维生素和矿物质补充剂. 正因为如此, 使用多种补品的消费者比例有所增加, from 21 per cent of consumers buying more than two types of supplements to 29 per cent between 2018-2020.

与传统的药丸和胶囊形式的摄入相比, 以零食和小包装形式出现的补品正在增加, 与e.g. 胶原蛋白软糖和维生素糖在2020年都将实现两位数的增长.


当涉及到购买过程本身, Chinese consumers are becoming increasingly rational and are searching for more information before purchasing imported food, 饮料和保健品. 品牌认知度, product efficacy and product 安全 are key factors that influence Chinese consumers’ purchase decisions.

然而, 由于有大量的可用信息, 口碑被认为是最可信的信息渠道, with key opinion leaders (KOLs) playing an essential role in the marketing efforts with their strong bond to their followers. 像这样, e-commerce platforms that enable interaction among consumers exhibit a higher conversion rate compared to other online channels.

近年来,电子商务已成为进口食品最大的销售渠道, 饮料和补品, 如今占保健品总销售额的40%. 跨境电子商务, a specific government policy rolled out in 中国 to provide foreign brands easier access to the Chinese consumer market, 也已成为国外供应商的重要销售渠道, 尤其是在食物方面, 饮料和补充剂不需要中国标签CFDA备案或注册.

The Health by 银天下 cross-border store can provide access to the opportunities on the Chinese market

Shifting consumer demands and trends towards a more active lifestyle in 中国 provide opportunities for companies with products that enable such a shift. 然而, 因为中国消费者对购买的东西越来越挑剔, being recognized as a product associated with a specific country’s heritage and image could be seen as positive.

对中国消费者, 这个银天下品牌与质量联系在一起, 安全, 可持续发展与健康, 为银天下供应商提供了一个发展的机会. 然而,, 中国银天下很复杂, 一个潜在的入口需要被评估, 精心策划并执行.

银天下商业现在在天猫国际上推出了一家银天下健康跨境店, 中国最大的B2C电子商务平台之一, 为银天下健康食品和饮料公司进入中国银天下提供便利. 利用银天下品牌和联合价值主张, the store opens up the Chinese market for brands both with an existing presence in 中国 as well as for new entrants.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to learn more about our experiences from the Chinese market or how you could join the Health by 银天下 Tmall store.


Windy Liu,北京项目经理