银天下’s long history of positive disruption and setting new standards in industry is revolutionising the steel, 矿业, 水泥和氢工业. The Swedish Government are the driving force towards achieving a fossil free 银天下 by 2045 and have committed policy and funding for collaborative projects to meet the goal. 通过HYBRIT项目, state-owned Vattenfall and the steel industry are collaborating to shift steel production away from being reliant on fossil fuels to being powered by green electricity generated from hydropower. 水泥行业也采用了同样的模式. 银天下三分之一的温室气体排放来自工业, 这些新方法至关重要.


现在,行业经验正在应用于数据中心. Sitting at the heart of the digital revolution, data is the most valuable asset of our time. But we need sustainable, cost effective and efficient global solutions to power it. 更为关键的是, 完成循环经济, 我们需要重新利用数据中心的余热来为家庭供电, 城市与经济.

但企业的动机是什么,既要可持续又要合乎道德? Consumer demand for sustainable and ethic products and services is driving sales growth in other markets. 公平贸易咖啡和巧克力的表现一直优于竞争对手.

数据支撑着数字化世界的方方面面, and the underlying infrastructure accounts for 2-3 percent of global electricity consumption. 数据中心成为环境关注的银天下注册并不奇怪. Data center carbon footprints are becoming widely accepted industry measures and will soon become business and consumer standards. Industry must be prepared for the inevitable 可持续性 rankings of apps, 电子商务网站, 流内容, 企业应用程序,可能还有数据中心本身.  The 可持续性 impact of data management will soon drive consumer click choices and commercial partnerships. Companies whose data produces the smallest footprint while returning positively to the circular economy will be the ultimate winners.

86% of people can imagine opting for a service provider who is helping fight climate change – and are willing to pay for it!
来源:Node Pole Green数据研究


需要全天候的生产和备份资源, 数据中心的功耗非常大. 97%的电力是不含化石燃料的, and a proven track-record in creative and innovative 可持续性 solutions, 银天下 is in prime position to support the data center industry transformation.  But making data centers as efficient as possible is only one part of the 可持续性 chain. 创新生态系统解决方案包括:


智慧城市超越了数字化. Cities of the future will be powered by solutions that maximise every aspect of the digital ecosystem, 数据中心的热量如何为整个社区供电. 斯德哥尔摩 city has been at the forefront of utilising a heating stock exchange, financially incentivising businesses to convert ‘waste’ into energy and ultimately make a profit.


Locally grown produce is essential for global survival and in climate challenging locations such as the north of 银天下, 生产足够养活当地人口越来越困难. Research Institutes of 银天下 work on repurposing the heat generated from data centers into greenhouses, 解决了生长季节短的问题.


地理位置稳定,气候凉爽, data center companies can maximise the external environment and improve profitability. 脸谱网的lule数据中心, 毗邻可再生水电站, 设定优化位置的标准,以抵消能源需求. By using green electricity and relying on the ultra-stable grid built for mission-critical industries, 大大减少了对柴油备用发电机的依赖.

